Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Thank you for choosing Retonic. We value our customers and strive to ensure satisfaction with our services. Our refund policy outlines the conditions under which refunds will be granted and the process to request one.

1. Eligibility for Refunds

Customers are entitled to a full refund within the first 7 days of subscribing to Retonic’s service. If you are not satisfied with the service within this time frame, you can request a refund by contacting our customer support team.

2. Conditions for Refunds

Refunds will only be granted if the service is not working as advertised. We will require evidence of the issue, such as error messages or screenshots, to process your request.

3. Refunds and Violations

If you have breached our terms of service or violated any of our policies, we reserve the right to deny your refund request.

4. Multi-Month Subscriptions

If you purchased a multi-month subscription and wish to cancel before the end of the term, a pro-rated refund will be issued based on the remaining time left on the subscription.

5. Refund Method

All refunds will be issued via the same payment method used to make the original purchase. Please allow up to 10 business days for your refund to be processed and credited back to your account.

6. Policy Changes

We reserve the right to change this refund policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be posted on this page.

7. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please contact us:

Email us at:

We are committed to providing excellent customer service and will respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible.

Thank you for choosing Retonic.